What to Expect

Wednesday Youth Nights

Students in Grades 6-12 will meet weekly at the church from 7pm-9pm. The evening will be a time filled with games, activities, teaching, small group discussion, and relaltionship building as we pursue Jesus together. Cochrane Alliance Youth Ministry is committed to the following four values:

Experience Jesus

Creating spaces for youth to experience the power of the real Jesus and pursue a close relationship with him.

Meaningful Relationships

Pursuing Christlike relationships that are welcoming, accepting, and hospitable.

Living on Mission

Releasig Youth to use their gifts, pursue their passion, and partner with the living God in building His Kingdom

Cultural Discernment

Equipping Youth with wisdom to live faithfully in a secular world, and the skills to connect their faith to their current realities of our world.


Youth events for the year will include a once-a-month Friday evening worship night, retreats, and community youth events in connection with other churches. We are also going to be including in our event calendar the activities that the students themselves are engaging in outside of church, such as school performances and sporting events as these are great opportunities for small group to “do life” together. 


These are great opportunities for youth and leaders to build community.  Retreats provide opportunities and an atmosphere for community building that cannot be recreated in other contexts.  This is a great chance for youth to grow in relationship with each other and with God and have fun doing it! We will hold 2 retreats a year, one in October and one in March.