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On Thanksgiving Sunday, a special missions Global Advance Fund offering will be taken to keep sending the Gospel to least-reached people groups. 

Robert Jaffray (1873 – 1945) was filled with a deep passion for going where the Good News of Jesus Christ had never been preached. He was one of a group of new missionaries sent by A. B. Simpson to bring the Gospel to people in Wuchow, South China, Jaffray’s sending base for the next 35 years. As part of the C&MA, our church’s desire is to keep sharing the good news – the hope and freedom of Jesus – with people who may NEVER have heard of Him before!  We are launching the annual Jaffray Offering to keep sending the Gospel to least-reached people groups. This year, through donors’ commitment to the Global Advance Fund, we are sending people to share the good news with three least-reached people groups (Wolofs, Fulanis, and Yazidis) in Senegal and Northern Iraq.

Thank you for your prayerful support and generous giving to the Jaffray Offering/Global Advance Fund. For more information, visit